
Where the Demand Will Be for Medical Packaging

It is largely believed that the demand for medical device packaging will include a desire for containers that are highly adaptable to cost-effective measures as well as security-enhanced and infection-resistant formats. Clamshell packaging should continue to do well in the rising market as these packaging options either typically match or even exceed safety and sterility requirements.

As the landscape of medical device packaging continues to evolve, so have designs. More recently, regulations have placed an increased focus on the use of packaging that is more environmentally friendly. Packaging is now being analyzed much more closely than ever before and packaging providers are responding with improvements and innovative solutions in a variety of areas.

In particular, manufacturers are now actively seeking out packaging solutions that allow for static-control, superior clarity, and completely sterile properties. While performance is naturally an important issue, the onus is also on the packaging industry as a whole to provide cost-cutting solutions. There is a desire to keep costs down. At the same time maintaining the same quality standards and increasing the capacity for production can be a challenge. Customized device applications can often prove to be the ideal solution in such scenarios.

Our medical/EMS clients trust us to create custom packaging solutions for:

  • Medical supplies & equipment
  • Mobile triage
  • Emergency medical supplies transportation
  • Donor transportation
  • Biopharma
  • Clinical trials


To learn more about the demand for this type of device packaging, contact George B. Woodcock & Co.

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