George B. Woodcock & Co

Sustainability in Medical Device Packaging

As the age of the global population expands, the production of healthcare and medical device equipment is anticipated to increase as well. In the past, the primary drivers for medical device packaging buy cialis 5mg online have been sterilization, protection from damage, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. Sustainability of the packaging material has not served as a primary driver of the packaging design process until now.

The ability to maintain a sterile barrier from the manufacturing process to the patient will always remain a top concern. Even so, as the importance of sustainability has become more widely understood, an increasing number of medical device companies are now taking proactive steps to incorporate sustainability in their overall development process.

Why the Demand for Sustainable Medical Packaging?

There is no denying that the manufacturing as well as the supply of medical devices leaves no margin for error. This has naturally led to a more conservative approach in the past. The public; however, has become more aware of the need to optimize the use of resources while reducing waste. Consequently, the demands from the world outside the medical industry for more sustainable packaging solutions have increased. Today, more and more manufacturers are expressing an interest in medical device packaging that is more environmentally friendly.

What Does Sustainable Medical Packaging Mean?

Valuable and sensitive equipment must always be handled with the greatest level of care. At the same time, as the world becomes more aware of the need to protect valuable resources, the battle cry for sustainability has reached a fever pitch. Just two decades ago, the most popular word in the packaging industry was ‘biodegradable.’ While the journey of sustainability continues to evolve, the goal is to conserve the ecological balance by avoiding the need to deplete the world’s natural resources.

By rethinking medical device packaging, it is possible to attain a wide array of benefits, including:

• Reduction of raw material usage
• Reduction in the number of necessary shipping movements
• A more efficient manufacturing flow process
• Ease of handling for medical staff
• No compromise of regulatory and safety requirements