George B. Woodcock & Co

SKID-MATE® Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors

SKID-MATE® Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors are specially designed to protect heavy equipment during transportation. Without protection, equipment being transported may suffer damage from the inherent shock and vibration that comes along with movement over any surface, not just uneven or rough surfaces. But attaching SKID-MATE® Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors to the base of equipment and pallets prevents much of that damage.

As SKID-MATE® Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors are mounted directly on the bases of equipment and pallets, they eliminate the need for additional equipment like air-ride trucks and wood skid runners. Using a T-bolt, the SKID-MATE® is attached to the equipment and absorbs the effects of any jostling or other damaging movements. Parts will not be knocked out of place, dents and scratches will not form on the surface, and even the bottom of the equipment will be protected as the SKID-MATE® Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors creates a space between the cargo and the floor.

Each Pallet Protectors is designed to withstand being dragged over 3000 feet of concrete floor while bearing its full load. What the full load amount is depends on entirely on the cargo. The Pallet Protectors come in five different colors, each corresponding to a range of weights they are capable of bearing with this protection and durability guarantee. The tan SKID-MATE® are for bearing the lightest equipment loads (20-35 lbs per pad) and the colors build up incrementally to the strongest orange SKID-MATE® bearing up to 225 lbs per pad. With each protector being a mere six inches wide and four inches high, these Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors are the smallest yet strongest and most versatile pallet protectors available.

SKID-MATE® Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors are the perfect option for protecting a wide variety of equipment and packaging during transportation. Custom pallets; industrial, commercial, or military loads; cargo with an uneven distribution of weight; and even stacked pallets can be protected using SKID-MATE® Air-Cushioned Pallet Protectors provided the correct color/weight range is chosen.

Learn More at George B Woodcock & Co